Channel Website Template

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shoppingBag Sales: 43

Created: Jun 14, 2016

Updated: Jun 14, 2016

ID: 58727

og体育首页ONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo

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This theme was developed specifically for TV channels. Its full-screen slider displays not only shows announcements, but time left to their beginning. Counters are very efficient there. TV shows categories are illustrated and animated. They are arranged in a grid and have tabbed navigation. Featured shows come in separate block. And don't forget about trendy bright background with polygons, they visually separate 'Lifestyle section' from the others. Built in Google map and contact form are available at the bottom of the page.

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This TV Station website design is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive web page design strategy makes a web page's screen adjustable to any kind of screen resolution.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design will help your site appear equally perfect on screen of any kind of home pc or mobile gadget.

Click for more Responsive website templates here

This is Media News website template with On-line chat functionality

What is it?

On-line chat may help you talk with all your new customers real-time.

Why is it Good?

Online chat by means of tech support can be a sign for the buyer - “the following organization actually cares about me”. The site visitors don't really need to wait many hours for their ticket being solved or undergo loads of documentation to get the solution for himself. Welcoming tech support consultant might response him quickly and may fix his trouble in a virtually no time.

Click for more On-line chat website design templates here

This is a Parallax TV Channel web template

What is it?

Parallax is a front-end visual approach associated with pictures shifting more slowly than the background content to make a "multidimensional" impression.

Why is it Good?

Parallax scrolling effect gives your viewers an impression of depth in 2D spaces of your website. It makes your resource more vivid and unique. Parallax is great for spicing up a single-page site, refreshing infographics, or perhaps presenting a portfolio.

Find fresh Parallax website templates here

This is a Bootstrap Television Broadcasting website template

What is it?

Bootstrap is really a super well-known framework, which makes the work with HTML, Cascading stylesheet and also JS more comfortable. It has been designed to be a tool to make a responsive design, although later it inserted loads of extra efficiency.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap allows you to build better websites .

Find fresh Bootstrap web templates here

4 Reviews for this product

We purchased this template for our TV station. It's working out great! We love the layout, including the call to action button in the top right. We use it as a Watch Live link. The layout of the programming page inspired us to gather thumbnails and synopses from each of our producers. In the end, it is so much better than our old layout. We appreciate that the template is responsive. It fills the screen, no matter what device users are using. Thank you Template og体育首页! We will be back for more.
We were able to turn this template to a very nice website in no time. The template is so flexible and modern, easy to customize and fun to work with. very smart preview and easy navigation. Thanks to designer and to template monster. Tim
I never heard about Templeteog体育首页, I want to find a template for a Cristian tv channel, we now have our own develop to update photos and new programs for the channel, one of the first reason was it's a fresh templete, has a intuitive interface and the description was to clare, I don't like the Joomla or wordPress, because I fell to slow everything on the interface. When I started my search, I try on another sellers of templates but the search its to shorts, so never find what I want, with you find all the thinks I search at the first. I'am a developer IOS,WEB, CRM expert, and is hard to my design and don't have that skill, so you make me my work to easy and I can give more time to developer. Definitely this template is for professionals. When I buy is was slow but the support help very nice we are on México and I recibe a call for YOU WOW amazing, I have never received such treatment. Thank you for you help again.
My client is very satisfied with the Channel website theme that was chosen for his media business. We still workingon it but the website will be live soon.

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