Driveline Depot - Auto-onderdelen Responsief Shopify Online Store 2.0-thema

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shoppingBag Verkoop: 76

Created: 16 dec 2013

Updated: 29 jul 2024

ID: 47703

og体育首页ONE - Onbeperkte Downloads voor $12.40/mnd

480k Items | Commercieel Gebruik License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Ondersteuning Word lid om dit item te downloaden  Gratis
Driveline Depot - Auto-onderdelen Responsief Shopify Online Store 2.0-thema - Features Image 1Driveline Depot - Auto-onderdelen Responsief Shopify Online Store 2.0-thema - Features Image 2Driveline Depot - Auto-onderdelen Responsief Shopify Online Store 2.0-thema - Features Image 3Driveline Depot - Auto-onderdelen Responsief Shopify Online Store 2.0-thema - Features Image 4Driveline Depot - Auto-onderdelen Responsief Shopify Online Store 2.0-thema - Features Image 5Driveline Depot - Auto-onderdelen Responsief Shopify Online Store 2.0-thema - Features Image 6Driveline Depot - Auto-onderdelen Responsief Shopify Online Store 2.0-thema - Features Image 7

Deze websjabloon is een responsieve Shopify-sjabloon voor reserveonderdelen die is gemaakt om feilloos te werken op verschillende apparaten en webbrowsers. Dit Shopify-websiteontwerp is een geweldige oplossing voor leveranciers van motorgereedschap en uitrusting, een winkel voor auto-accessoires of een winkel voor garagegereedschap. Deze pagina-indeling, die blijk geeft van een moderne ontwerpbenadering, ziet er prettig uit en trekt bezoekers aan. Opties voor sociaal delen, met name Facebook, Pinterest en Twitter, zullen het lezerspubliek van uw website vergroten met behulp van het publiceren van uw website. artikelen en andere inhoud op de respectieve sociale-mediasites. Als u uw webgebaseerde project efficiënt wilt presenteren, kan dit responsieve en SEO-geoptimaliseerde thema een geweldige oplossing zijn. Schone, geldige codering en goed uitgevoerde documentatie helpen u bij het aanpassen van dit Shopify-thema voor reserveonderdelen precies zoals u dat wilt. Probeer dit webthema eens.


July 29, 2024:

  • Minor bugs fixed.

Release 2.0 (January 31, 2024):

  • Update theme up to Online Store 2.0 version.

Release 1.1 (August 29, 2022):

  • 6 Sections ( Featured products Slideshow Image with text overlay Showcase Blog articles Collection list).
  • Fixed bugs;
  • Fixed security issued;
  • Added new feature/pages/blocks/etc.

5 Reviews for this product

It was simple to use, and their customer service was excellent. However, we would be grateful if we could have at least a few modification choices for other pages in addition to the homepage.
Nice Shopify Theme, buy this theme get an awesome experience.
These guys are good. their template is ok. It suited my kind of template. kudos..
I wish I new that this was outdated and didn't have section customization options in Shopify theme editor. I asked how to change the content of the side-bar navigation since it auto populates with 'whatever' collections, and was told I can change the width or remove it, and following up for clarification was unanswered. Being new to Shopify and learning the theme editor tools, this purchase has been disappointing. I wish to have known this before spending money that is non refundable.
Hello Christian, Thank you for your review. We're really sorry you had such a negative experience working with our template. The purchased theme is a bit outdated and unfortunately some functionality is missing. We're ready to exchange it to any other theme up to choice. Please get back to your support ticket WQD-304-77002 and our team will be more than glad to assist you! Kind regards, Templateog体育首页
In an attempt to save money, we initially went with a free template. The template just didn't feel like a Fortune 500 retailer's website. We decided to use Template og体育首页 and wow! What a difference! The look is professional, functional, and attractive. The install took a little massaging but the customer service was great! I would definitely recommend.

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